UK NICE is seeking public consultation for proposals for its health technology evaluation processes

In a statement on February 2021, the UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) launched a public consultation on proposals for changes to the processes it uses to develop its guidance on medicines, medical devices, diagnostics and digital health technologies.

To continue to support the needs and objectives of all parts of the healthcare and life sciences ecosystem, NICE is seeking to ensure that its methods remain cutting edge and future proof. 

As the UK comes out of the Transition Period after having left the European Union, it will develop a new regulatory and access environment with the life sciences sector. As this process unfolds, it is important for NICE to clearly show how its methods can support early patient access and encourage companies to launch their products first in the UK.

We have prepared this briefing to outline the changes proposed by NICE and to encourage readers to review the consultation document (CD) for NICE health technology assessment (HTA) process changes. The CD is open for comment until 15th April 2021.

Read the full ICON Briefing