Antimicrobial resistance and combating a global crisis | Insights | ICON plc
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Antimicrobial resistance

How clinical research can combat an ensuing global crisis

A framework for understanding the antimicrobial crisis

The World Health Organization calls antimicrobial resistance, resulting from the overuse of antibiotics or other drugs, one of the top 10 public health threats. In fact, the next global pandemic could be another novel respiratory pathogen of zoonotic origins or a multidrug resistant strain of a previously eradicated pathogen.

In this whitepaper we provide a framework for understanding the antimicrobial crisis and the role healthcare and biopharma industries have to play in mitigating the impact of future pandemics.

Download to discover:

  • The history and globalisation of infectious diseases
  • What the resurgence of once eradicated diseases can teach us about how resistance develops
  • How climate change and other environmental factors, such as antibiotics in industrial farming, contribute to this public health challenge
  • Current regulatory landscape and industry response to regulation
  • The need for better diagnostics, preventative measures and innovative treatments
  • Considerations for successful infectious disease clinical trials from study design to operations, including lessons learned from the race for a COVID-19 vaccine
  • Opportunities for the post-antibiotic era