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The Role of ICER as an Independent HTA Organisation

Industry Perceptions and Expectations

Who has the job of leading the evaluation of pharmaceutical value and pricing?

Over 60% of manufacturers surveyed agreed that the US needs an independent HTA body

The launch of a number of high priced drugs in recent years has led to the perception by some of a fiscally unsustainable US healthcare system.  Some stakeholders see a need for a third party, HTA-like organisation in the US, such as ICER (Institute for Clinical and Economic Review), to implement value based frameworks to evaluate the prices of new therapeutics. ICER benchmarks could give payers a means to drive cost savings, resulting in new opportunities and new challenges for manufacturers.

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Get an in depth look at our primary research evaluating ICER’s influence over payers and manufactures, and secondary budget impact analysis on the potential savings to the US healthcare system if ICER’s cost effective prices were implemented in selected therapeutic areas.