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The evolution of FSP: not just for large pharma

How all sponsors can benefit from a synchronized outsourcing strategy

Large pharma and biotechnology companies historically use traditional CRO and FSP models to deliver their clinical programs. This model lends itself well to customers without global scale, systems, or capabilities.

For mid-size pharma, however, models may evolve as the company grows. This either/or decision often means switching models by switching suppliers. ICON’s Embedded Blended model uses an either/and approach, effectively managing inevitable model evolution.

The Embedded Blended model offers benefits of both CRO and FSP models. As a partner grows, their model can be adjusted and stabilized.

This whitepaper details:

  • How we define mid-size pharma and biotechs
  • Evaluation of a functional model for mid-size pharma and biotechs
  • A real life example of our Embedded Blended model


For mid-size pharma, CRO and FSP models may evolve as the company grows. This either/or decision often means switching models by switching suppliers. ICON offers a model that combines the best of both CRO and FSP models.