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Pandemic respiratory vaccine clinical trials

A departure from business as usual.

Best practices to accelerate operations while the world waits

Around the world, the “V” words are on everyone’s lips: Virus and Vaccines.

In response to the urgent need for a vaccine for COVID-19, researchers are running hundreds of clinical trials on a number of antivirals, antibodies and vaccines.

Vaccine trials for respiratory viruses, even in the best of circumstances, present a number of operational challenges for researchers, many of which are exacerbated in the face of a pandemic created by a novel virus.

In this whitepaper, ‘Pandemic respiratory vaccine clinical trials: A departure from business as usual’, we focus on the corresponding success factors that can keep pandemic respiratory vaccine trials running at optimal speed and efficiency.

Download to discover:

  • COVID-19 vaccine trials: a compressed timeline with no room for error
  • The basics of vaccine study design
  • Pandemic study trial planning - prioritisation and addressing possible contingencies
  • The nine critical steps in the study start-up process
  • Best operational practices for COVID-19 vaccine studies
  • Success factors for COVID-19 vaccine studies

Download the whitepaper