
ICON is committed to sustainable procurement, utilising a responsible, sustainable, and ethical supply chain, and setting clear expectations with our suppliers. 

Our goal is to source from suppliers whose values align with our own, including suppliers who are committed to diversity and inclusion, and are socially and environmentally responsible and conscious.

ICON works with trusted partners EcoVadis and CDP to help us understand our suppliers’ sustainability maturity and emissions impact. The EcoVadis and CDP scorecards are pulled into our Supplier Management Portal which helps to guide buyers’ decisions. The insight provided from the EcoVadis and CDP scorecards allows ICON to recognise opportunities for improvement within our supply chain. Using this information, we can identify more meaningful partnerships with suppliers whose goals are aligned with ICON’s and are working on improving their operations from diversity, human rights and environmental impact perspectives.



ICON Cares: Supplier Diversity Overview

At ICON our commitment to inclusion and diversity extends to our supply chain where we identify, and engage with diverse suppliers which we want to represent our patients and customers.

We appreciate that working with diverse suppliers provides us with an opportunity to support businesses and enables us to benefit from the range of knowledge, experiences and ideas that diverse organisations can bring.

We understand that in order to achieve our goals and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, companies need to work together to collaborate towards achieving the goals. This is why it is important to ICON that we partner with our suppliers to work together and achieve our mission.