‘At ICON we are committed to sustainable procurement, utilising a responsible, sustainable, and ethical supply chain, and setting clear expectations with our suppliers.’


Welcome to ICON’s supplier resources site, here suppliers can find key information relating to ICON’s procurement practices and what we expect from our preferred suppliers at ICON.

ICON’s goal is to source from suppliers whose values align with our own, including suppliers who are committed to diversity and inclusion, and are socially and environmentally responsible and conscious.

ICON strives to develop mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers, and sharing our expectations and requirements sets a solid foundation for collaborative engagement and successful partnerships.


In light of this, ICON suppliers are required to commit to our Global Supplier Code of Conduct, which incorporates the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain Initiative (PSCI) principles for Responsible Supply Chain Management and articulates our standards and expectations regarding:

  • Ethics and compliance
  • Labour and human rights
  • Health and safety
  • Environmental stewardship

This helps us to ensure our values are aligned, it contributes to a better partnership between ICON and our suppliers, and ultimately helps both ICON and our suppliers work towards achieving the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Our Global Supplier Code of Conduct also outlines channels to report concerns or grievances related to our suppliers, such as our Ethics Line. We operate a strict anti-retaliation policy and expect suppliers to do the same.

Relevant documents: