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Orphan drug development has several unique challenges. This webinar provides expert guidance and case studies to help address the major challenges of patient engagement and retention during the study.

Download this webinar to:

  • Understand patient-based clinical trial designs that are scientifically robust and address the unique challenges of rare disease
  • Understand rare disease patient concerns about clinical trial participation
  • Practical strategies for patient engagement, recruitment and retention during rare disease trials.

Key speakers

William Maier, MD, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer & Head, Rare Disease Research, Commercialisation and Outcomes, ICON

Dr. Maier has over 25 years of experience in drug development and commercialisation at pharmaceutical companies in Europe, Canada, the United States and Asia. In his current role he works with pharmaceutical companies throughout the world to provide regulatory, strategic and scientific guidance on medical treatment development and commercialisation. He is a member of the EMEA’s European Network of Centres for Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacovigilance (www.encepp.eu). In addition, he is a frequent speaker at medical conferences, has had academic appointments in the UK (Dundee) and the USA (North Carolina) and is a member of the Royal Society of Medicine in the UK.