Learn best practices, challenges, and solutions for using observer-reported outcomes measures in your trial

Using a case study approach, webinar participants will learn more about developing ObsROs and implementing them in clinical studies. We’ll discuss some of the key challenges faced in developing and using an ObsRO, along with potential solutions.

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While capturing treatment benefit from the patient’s perspective is often important in clinical research, it is not always possible to do so directly through a patient-reported outcomes measure (PRO).

This may be due to the patient’s condition (e.g., severe mental impairment) or because of the patient’s age (e.g., young children). In these cases, an observer-reported outcomes measure (ObsRO) may be used to gain information about the patient from the observations of a caregiver.

Key insights include:

  • What is an ObsRO, and when is it appropriate to use one?
  • What are best practices for developing an ObsRO?
  • What are some of the key challenges in ObsRO development and possible solutions?
  • What are some of the key considerations for implementing an ObsRO in a clinical study?

Featured Speakers

Beverly Romero

MA, Senior Outcomes Researcher, ICON Clinical Outcomes Assessment

Beverly is a senior outcomes researcher in ICON’s, Gaithersburg, Maryland office. She has worked in the field of Clinical Outcomes Assessments (COAs) since 2010, starting with Oxford Outcomes, which was acquired by ICON in 2011. Beverly is an experienced project manager and qualitative researcher with experience in developing ObsROs as well as adult and pediatric PROs.  She has also been involved in large, multinational conjoint, survey, and interview studies. She has worked in a variety of disease areas and populations: pediatric and adult ADHD, pediatric and adult ulcerative colitis, multiple sclerosis, non-small cell lung cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and pediatric and adult CSID. Beverly has a master’s degree in English and a background in teaching and communication.

Emuella Flood

Senior Principal, ICON Clinical Outcomes Assessment

Emuella Flood is a Senior Principal in ICON Clinical Outcomes Assessment (COA) and leads the US East Coast COA team in Gaithersburg, Maryland. She began her career in COA research consulting nearly 20 years ago and has been with the ICON team since 2011. Emuella has directed the development and/or validation of PROs, ObsROs and ClinROs, as well as patient preference, conjoint and satisfaction surveys and patient-reported burden of illness surveys for adult and pediatric populations. She has extensive experience in qualitative research and has presented on best practices at industry conferences, including ISOQOL and ISPOR.  She attends FDA meetings on behalf of sponsors in support of COAs used as key trial endpoints and the basis for labeling.  Emuella is on the editorial board of The Patient, leads the DIA Study Endpoints Educational Series Committee, is co-chair of the ISOQOL Industry Advisory Special Interest Group and is a member of the Patient Preference Methodology working group of the Medical Device Innovation Consortium (MDIC).  She has contributed to over 80 peer-reviewed publications and abstracts.

Target audience

This program is intended for clinical research scientists, study leaders, drug developers, instrument developers, payers and providers.