The nature of communicable diseases results in unique epidemiological characteristics that must be accounted for when considering the epidemiological, clinical and economic consequences of interventions that modify transmission.

These interventions clearly include vaccines, but also drug treatments that may reduce the duration of infectiousness. This webinar outlines the unique epidemiological characteristics of communicable diseases and demonstrates how correctly accounting for these in clinical and economic assessments of interventions can capture the full value of these interventions. Some of the challenges faced when performing these analyses are also addressed.

Key learning objectives:

  • Understanding infectious disease modelling
  • Why infectious disease modelling is needed
  • Challenges associated with infectious disease modelling


Richard Pitman, PhD

Richard Pitman, PhD

Lead Health Economist & Epidemiologist, ICON

Richard has over 30 years of experience in the epidemiology, burden of illness and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases particularly relating to the cost effectiveness of interventions and policy issues. Disease area expertise includes influenza, SARS, rotavirus, respiratory syncytial virus, tuberculosis, directly transmitted childhood infections, vector borne diseases and HIV.

Marija Zivkovic-Gojovic, PhD

Marija Zivkovic-Gojovic, PhD

Senior Consultant, ICON

Marija has been a mathematical modeler for over 10 years in both public and private healthcare sectors. Her experience includes developing a wide variety of mathematical models used to support the entire life cycle of the drug development process. Marija has experience in using various types of dynamic modelling algorithms with expertise in agent-based modelling on various diseases such as influenza, pertussis, HPV, HIV, HepB, HepC and COVID-19.


This webinar will be particularly useful for:

  • Professionals in pharma and biotech who develop products targeting infectious diseases, particularly vaccines
  • Anyone with an interest in the epidemiology of infectious disease
  • Anyone with an interest in the cost-effectiveness analysis of interventions targeting infectious diseases, but who may have limited experience in infectious disease modelling